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llama trekking Greeneville TN, llama hiking Greeneville TN, llama walks Greeneville TN, llama hikes Greeneville TN, llama hiking experiences Greeneville TN, The Wandering Llamas, Rent-A-Llama

for your special event

$400 for 2 llamas for 2 hours

Create lasting memories renting friendly llamas for your next special event!

There may be some extra travel fees, so please contact us with more details of your event location.


To book, contact us at or call (423) 426-7626

llama trekking Greeneville TN, llama hiking Greeneville TN, llama walks Greeneville TN, llama hikes Greeneville TN, llama hiking experiences Greeneville TN, The Wandering Llamas, Rent-A-Llama

Enchance Your Event with Friendly Llamas

Celebrate weddings, birthday parties, conventions, church events, bachelorette parties, mom's getaway, family reunions, etc. with gentle llamas.

llama trekking Greeneville TN, llama hiking Greeneville TN, llama walks Greeneville TN, llama hikes Greeneville TN, llama hiking experiences Greeneville TN, The Wandering Llamas, Rent-A-Llama

Experience LlamaLlove

Watch your friends and family react with excitement when 2 gorgeous llamas join your event. We can provide traditional, colorful, Peruvian llama costumes or just a classic white flower wreath, if you prefer. 


The fun and your cameras will never stop!

llama trekking Greeneville TN, llama hiking Greeneville TN, llama walks Greeneville TN, llama hikes Greeneville TN, llama hiking experiences Greeneville TN, The Wandering Llamas, Rent-A-Llama

Renta-A-Llama Travel Policy

Travel fees may be added to the total bill.

We allow 30 miles each way, with no additional fees. If more than 30 miles, we charge $3.50 per mile(both ways). We normally dont travel more than 100 miles Max.


If you have any questions, need to cancel or change the dates you booked, please contact Sandy at or call (423) 426-7626.

The Wandering Llamas • FARM ADDRESS(not the trails): 1516 Foxford Road • Greeneville, TN 37743 • (423) 426-7626 •

The Wandering Llamas, LLC is fully licensed, insured and permitted to hike within the Cherokee National Forest and on private properties.




USDA – Forest Service Nondiscrimination Statement

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status.  To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD).  USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.

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